Blog From our brains to yours

iMac on a desk

Sharing a link on Facebook via WordPress

I spent too much time figuring this out.  I’m not a SEO guy, I’m a code guy.  But I also have to handle trouble tickets here and there and everywhere.  One of our clients needed full control over which is shared on Facebook on a page-by-page basis.  Some plugins handle a single image for every…


How to Present Your Idea to a Developer

I’ve been in the web industry for almost 20 years. I run into people quite often with ideas where I could make big bucks, but I have never accepted the offer. Let me explain how the conversation normally goes. Case #1: We have Bob the developer, and Einstein as the one with the idea. Einstein:…

photo credit: <a href="">midtown @ night</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

WordCamp Atlanta 2015

WordCamp Atlanta this year was slightly different. It was actually a three day event, at least for 1/3 of the people. Friday had the added day and it consisted of a beginner’s workshop. Unfortunately, the plan was to have a multisite where all 180 people, plus instructions like me, have their own WordPress install but…


Oops! I'm a Starter

I’m re-reading Rework, a great book for people like us. It’s a “slap you in the face” kind of book. I agree with most of it. Here is one of my favorite paragraphs: There’s a new group of people out there starting businesses. They’re turning profits yet never think of themselves as entrepreneurs. A lot…


Converting a Photoshop File to a WordPress Theme

This post has been in draft mode for 3 years.  What is really funny is that post is still relevant today.  Standards have changed, things have gotten better, but it is always a fun challenge to try to make a site look just like the Photoshop (PSD) file.  This shows you how we work We…


No Innovations in OSX?

First and foremost, I am by no means an Apple Fan-boy. In 2001 I was hoping that Linux would take over the world because I feel like the open-source concept can be beneficial for the users. Closed-source projects leave the users subject to companies that might decide to no longer develop the application. (Sidenote: All…